Academic responsible: Mario Cools

Financing agency: University of Liège: Special Fund for Research (2015-2017)

Other partners: none

Beginning / End dates: May 2015 - September 2017.

Content :

The last decades, researchers have focused on the development of so-called activity-based modelling frameworks for evaluating the socio-economic and environmental effects of transport policy measures, with a particular emphasis on the assessment of new transport infrastructure. In a recent overview by Rasouli and Timmermans (2014), the evolution of this type of models has been discussed with respect to the merits and limitations of the different types of activity-based models that have been developed. Despite undeniable benefits, such as a more comprehensive representation of the underlying behavioural processes, further analysis is needed to get a better understanding of the trade-offs that are made in the underlying hypotheses of such models and the data that is being used to calibrate the models.


This research project aims at better understanding of the stochastic variations in travel model forecasts by:

  1. Assessing the impact of zonal aggregation/disaggregation on key travel indices.
  2. Evaluating different aggregator functions in the context of the development of origin-destination matrices.
  3. Exploring new travel survey designs better designed for being scaled to population size.


Download the VEEAT project presentation.


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