User's manual of SAFIR


Technical reference of SAFIR


Theory of SAFIR


Validation of SAFIR

Preprocessor GmSAFIR

Preprocessor GmSAFIR
GmSAFIR is the new, free, open-source preprocessor for SAFIR developed in collaboration between the SAFIR developers, the GMSH developers and Efectis France.

The first release has been published and can be found here (click on "Code/Download ZIP") :

It has been developed for version 2022 of SAFIR which has been released in April 2022.
Compatibility between the input files created with GmSAFIR and version 2019b1 of SAFIR is treated here.

Installation guide (version 01/02/2023) can be downloaded here .
Several videos showing the utilisation of GmSAFIR can be found here:
A limited users guide in pdf can be found here .

These files can be edited so that, in the spirit of open source, you can send us your suggestions or additional information in revision mode for the benefit of the SAFIR community.


Postprocessor DIAMOND

The postprocessor DIAMOND allows you to view your structure and your results. It also allows creation of graphics showing the evolution of various results.



The SHELL tools allows you to run several successive SAFIR calculations in a batch mode.

    • If one calculation is aborted, SHELL goes to the next one.
    • The window messages linked to each run are available after all runs.
    • Each input file can be accessed directly from the SHELL by a double click on its name.

File for installation : tools.msi

Preprocessor GID (now obsolete with SAFIR 2022)

The general pre-processor GID was the recommended pre-processor for SAFIR versions up to and including SAFIR 2019. Starting with version 2022, GmSAFIR is recommended instead. Compatibility between GiD and SAFIR 2022 (and subsequent versions) is not guaranteed.  

GID allows the generation of any input file for 2D or 3D, thermal or structural problem. The so-called "problem types" are needed to make the link between GID and SAFIR. You can download these problem types here:


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