FNRS-FRIA PhD Researchs



Amélioration de la qualité de l'habitat en briques de terre crue au Burkina Faso (09/2016 - 08/2021)

Luc Courard

Effect of the nature of clay and substitution materials on physico-mechanical properties of compressed earth blocks (CEBs)

Philbert Nshimiyimana (PhD Researcher); Adamah Messan; Prof. Luc Courard(Supervisors)

The mechanical and hydrothermal performances of compressed earth blocks (CEBs) are essential for improving housing quality and comfort in Sub-Saharan countries and, specifically, Burkina Faso. Earth stabilization, using two by-products available in Burkina Faso: Calcium Carbide Residue (CCR) and Rice Husk Ash (RHA), improves the performances of CEBs. The effect of addition of CCR and/or CCR partially substituted with RHA (CCR: RHA) to the clayey earth is investigated. The physico-chemical and mineral properties of raw materials: clay material and by-products are characterized. Various mixtures are formed with earth and 0 to 25 wt. % CCR and/or CCR: RHA (various ratios). The results shows the improvement of the mechanical performance on basis of the compressive strength of CEBs and the acceleration of the interactions in mix solutions on the basis of rapid decrease of electrical conductivity (EC)  and concentration of  unconsumed calcium ion [Ca2+]. The reaction resulted in the formation of Calcium Silicate Hydrates (CSH) and Calcium Aluminate hydrates (CAH). More.

ValBaRiH: Valorisation de la balle de riz pour la production de matériaux de construction durable en Haïti

Luc Courard (Responsable académique, coordinateur Nord); Jonathan Claude (Coordinateur Sud); Eliphète Tingue (chercheur)

L’objectif du projet est la valorisation de la cendre de balle de riz calcinée dans la formulation des mortiers de maçonnerie à la chaux utilisés dans la construction de maisons individuelles. En savoir plus.

Valorisation des ressources secondaires pour une construction durable - Stage de perfectionnement

Luc Courard (Responsable académique); Sophie Grigoletto (Responsable scientifique)

Depuis 2016, le Laboratoire des Matériaux de Construction organise une formation de 4 mois sur le thème de la valorisation des ressources secondaires pour une construction durable. L’accueil des stagiaires est permis grâce à l’ARES-CCD, qui octroie annuellement 10 bourses à des ressortissants des Pays du Sud. Lire la suite.


4DTHERMOGRAPHY: Development of 4D electrical resistivity tomography for the monitoring of temperature in the subsurface (janvier 2016 - décembre 2017)

Frédéric Nguyen

LASERCLADING: Optimisation du procédé Laser Cladding par des simulations éléments finis validées par des expériences, afin de générer des microstructures saines résistantes à l'usure de nuances d'aciers outils (juillet 2014 - juin 2018)

Anne Marie Habraken

Optimisation of laser cladding process, by thermo mechanical FEM simulations validated by experiments, to generate sound microstructures for wear resistance of tool steel grades.

Etude expérimentale et numérique de la fissuration lors du séchage de matériaux poreux : applications dans les domaines du génie chimique et de la géomécanique (juillet 2014 - juin 2018)

Frédéric Collin, Angélique Léonard

Experimental and numerical study of cracking during the drying of porous materials: applications in the fields of chemical engineering and geomechanics.

This project includes the PhD research "Numerical and experimental study of desiccation cracks formation during convective drying of porous materials: application to geomechanics and chemical engineering" (PhD researcher J. Hubert).

Quantification des propriétés électriques des racines pour le suivi géophysique du contenu en eau des sols cultivés

Frédéric Nguyen

Quantification of root electrical properties for geophysical monitoring of water content in soils under vegetation

TYCO-WSS: Typologies of Institutionalised Coproduction of Water and Sanitation Services in the Urban South (10/2016 - 09/2020)

Jacques Teller


Approche géophysique des minéralisations Pb-Zn du synclinorium de Verviers (mars 2014 - septembre 2017)

M. Evrard (chercheur doctorant), E. Pirard (promotteur)

Regulation regimes for the development of hybrid places: a cross-european comparative analysis (01/2017 - 12/2018)

Constance Uyttebrouck (chercheuse doctorante), Jacques Teller (promoteur)

The research project addresses the effects of labour market mutations on housing through the comparative analysis of “spatial hybridization” in three Northern European cities. “Spatial hybridization” conceptualizes spatial mutations and innovative practices lying in between housing, the labour market and urban development. This concept emerges in a global context affected by the advent of ICT, particularly in the labour market, in which the development of NWOW has led to the flexibilisation of space and practices. This has been transforming the Corporate Real Estate since the 1980’s, with e.g. the development of the so-called shared “Activity-Based Workplace”, as well as co-corking spaces.

Comportement dynamique des grues en autorotation (octobre 2014 - septembre 2018)

Hélène Vanvinckenroye (chercheuse doctorante), Vincent Denoël (promoteur)

Cyclic behavior of XL monopole in clayey soils (octobre 2016 - décembre 2017)

 S. Ahayan (PhD researcher), F. Collin (Promotor; ULiège), P. Kotronis (Co-promotor; École Centrale Nantes)

The main objective of this project is to study the soil- foundation interaction for XL monopiles under lateral and cyclic loading, by taking into account the typical dimensions of XL monopiles. We focus, therefore, on the numerical modeling of soft clay behavior and of the soil/pile interface. We aim to develop a new constitutive law for clayey soil and a new interface constitutive model. This will allow developing new p-y curves that could be widely applied in offshore wind energy industry. More.

Étude des mesures de polarisation induite spectrale dans des milieux poreux contaminés par des hydrocarbures et soumis à de la biodégradation (octobre 2013 - septembre 2017)

Tamara Pilawski (chercheuse doctorante), Frédéric Nguyen (promoteur)

Gypsym residues in recycled materials: effects on microstructural and mechanical properties of cementitious mixes

Ch. Colman (PhD researcher), L. Courard (Promotor)

This PhD research is part of the INTERRG VALDEM project. It aims to research how much residual gypsum contamination from demolition waste is acceptable for designing new concretes. Providing a better understanding of the effects of sulphate attack in the context of demolition waste will promote the valorisation of these recycled materials in the building sector. More.

La fiabilité de la fatigue des structures de support des éoliennes offshore envisage l'inspection et SHM (octobre 2014 - septembre 2018)

Anh Quang Mai (chercheur doctorant), Philippe Rigo (promoteur)

Développement d'un code basé sur la méthode des éléments continus pour analyser l'impact d'un bateau sur le jacket d'une éolienne offshore (octobre 2014 - septembre 2018)

Timothée Pire (chercheur doctorant), Philippe Rigo (promoteur)

Multiscale modelling of the coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of partially saturated coalbeds applied to methane recovery (octobre 2015 - décembre 2017)

F. Bertrand (PhD researcher), F. Collin (Promotor; ULg), Olivier Buzzi (Associate Professor, University of Newcastle-Australia)

The objective of the PhD researches is the development of a coupled hydro-mechanical model for partially saturated coalbeds, and its application to coalbed methane production. It includes both numerical and experimental aspects. Numerical tasks will be mainly achieved at the University of Liège while the experimental campaign will be conducted at the University of Newcastle (Australia).

Numerical and experimental study of desiccation cracks formation during convective drying of porous materials: application to geomechanics and chemical engineering

J. Hubert (PhD researcher), F. Collin (Promotor)

This PhD project aims to improve our understanding of the mechanisms behind cracking/fracturing of porous deformable materials during convective drying or desiccation.  Its strength lies in the collaboration of teams from the geomechanical (Geo³) and chemical engineering (LGC) departments. More.

Réhabilitation et renforcement de piles de pont avec du béton fibré ultrahaute performance (10/2016 - 12/2018)

Renaud Franssen (chercheur doctorant), Boyan Mihaylov (promoteur)



Politique scientifique (BELSPO)

INTEMATE : Multiscale mechanics of INTErface dominated MATErials (avril 2012 - décembre 2017)

Anne Marie Habraken, Jacqueline Lecomte-Beckers, Jean-Pierre Ponthot

INTRAS: Inégalités en sécurité routière / Inequalities in traffic safety (octobre 2013 - décembre 2017)

Mario Cools

In health research extensive evidence is found on socioeconomic and cultural differences on health outcomes. One of these health concerns are traffic injuries which impact is expected to increase worldwide. As in other health domains inequalities are found in accident involvement. Again underprivileged groups are the most vulnerable. Injury research however still lacks explanatory models on how contextual and individual factors contribute to injury causation. The main objective for this study is therefore to reveal some of these mechanisms that explain the differences that occur in road accident involvement in Belgium. More.

REDMONEST-BE2: Réseau de monitoring dynamique des structures existantes du Patrimoine Culturel en béton

Luc Courard

L’objectif principal du projet est de développer un système de gestion en temps réel pour évaluer le processus de corrosion du béton ancien exposé au vieillissement naturel (y compris plusieurs mécanismes de vieillissement tels que la carbonatation et les chlorures induisant la corrosion, ainsi que l'impact climatique). Ce système fournira les capacités d'auto-adaptation à différents types de patrimoines et intègre des capteurs. Plus.

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